smartCARS | version, 2021/9/1 UTC |
[00:44:06] | Preflight started, flying offline |
[00:44:06] | Flying Airbus A320 Neo Scoot (A32NX Converted) |
[00:50:33] | Pushing back with 6945 kg of fuel |
[00:51:01] | Engine 2 is on |
[00:52:21] | Engine 1 is on |
[00:53:25] | Flaps set to position 2 |
[00:54:34] | Taxiing to runway |
[01:01:01] | Taking off |
[01:01:20] | Climbing, pitch: 8, roll: 2 degrees left, 147 kts |
[01:01:23] | Gear lever raised at 62 ft at 155 kts |
[01:01:42] | Flaps set to position 0 at 798 ft at 189 kts |
[01:56:04] | Flaps set to position 1 at 3619 ft at 213 kts |
[01:57:19] | Flaps set to position 3 at 3013 ft at 176 kts |
[01:57:47] | Gear lever lowered at 2595 ft at 167 kts |
[01:58:04] | Flaps set to position 4 at 2395 ft at 157 kts |
[01:58:35] | Flaps set to position 5 at 2018 ft at 136 kts |
[02:01:50] | Touched down early at -116 fpm, gear level: down, flaps: 5 |
[02:02:26] | Flaps set to position 0 |
[02:02:28] | Landed in 3983 ft, fuel: 3965 kg, weight: 54164 kg |
[02:02:28] | Taxiing to gate |
[02:03:43] | The flight may now be ended |
[02:03:44] | Arrived, flight duration: 01:01 |
[02:05:50] | Engine 1 is off |
[02:05:51] | Sim paused |
[02:05:51] | Engine 2 is off |
[02:05:55] | Sim unpaused |