smartCARS | version, 2021/12/31 UTC |
[04:48:23] | Preflight started, flying offline |
[04:48:23] | Flying B787 10 SCOOT Airlines Livery |
[04:51:47] | Pushing back with 39699 lb of fuel |
[04:52:20] | Engine 2 is on |
[04:53:26] | Engine 1 is on |
[04:54:00] | Flaps set to position 3 |
[04:54:36] | Taxiing to runway |
[04:59:27] | Taking off |
[04:59:45] | Climbing, pitch: 7, roll: level, 161 kts |
[04:59:51] | Gear lever raised at 181 ft at 186 kts |
[05:00:58] | Flaps set to position 0 at 2704 ft at 216 kts |
[05:20:10] | Cruising at 41000ft, pitch: 3, 548 kts |
[05:43:19] | Overspeed entered |
[05:43:21] | Flaps set to position 9 at 40974 ft at 250 kts |
[05:45:03] | Overspeed left after a max speed of 253 kts |
[05:57:48] | Descending early, distance: 625 nm |
[05:58:18] | Flaps set to position 4 at 29870 ft at 141 kts |
[05:58:18] | Flaps set to position 1 at 29860 ft at 141 kts |
[05:58:21] | Flaps set to position 0 at 29812 ft at 145 kts |
[06:53:06] | Approaching early |
[06:54:49] | Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL |
[06:55:53] | Speed corrected at 7057 ft after a max speed of 321 kts |
[06:55:53] | Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL |
[06:55:54] | Speed corrected at 7079 ft after a max speed of 256 kts |
[06:55:56] | Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL |
[06:55:56] | Speed corrected at 7109 ft after a max speed of 256 kts |
[06:55:57] | Exceeded 250 KIAS below 10,000 feet MSL |
[06:56:02] | Speed corrected at 7169 ft after a max speed of 260 kts |
[06:57:36] | Early final approach, 291 kts |
[06:58:23] | Flaps set to position 2 at 4151 ft at 230 kts |
[07:08:37] | Flaps set to position 3 at 6560 ft at 219 kts |
[07:17:34] | Flaps set to position 4 at 5835 ft at 211 kts |
[07:19:04] | Gear lever lowered at 5149 ft at 178 kts |
[07:19:13] | Flaps set to position 5 at 5112 ft at 179 kts |
[07:20:26] | Flaps set to position 6 at 4410 ft at 182 kts |
[07:22:16] | Flaps set to position 9 at 2396 ft at 158 kts |
[07:26:37] | Touched down at -156 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 3, roll: level, 122 kts |
[07:27:04] | Landed in 3461 ft, fuel: 39694 lb, weight: 368733 lb |
[07:27:04] | Taxiing to gate |
[07:27:16] | The flight may now be ended |
[07:27:17] | Taxi time was less than 15 seconds |
[07:27:17] | Arrived, flight duration: 02:27 |
[07:27:34] | Flaps set to position 4 |
[07:27:34] | Flaps set to position 1 |
[07:27:36] | Flaps set to position 0 |
[07:33:08] | Engine 1 is off |
[07:33:08] | Engine 2 is off |
[07:33:08] | Sim paused |
[07:33:08] | Sim unpaused |