smartCARS | version, 2022/7/30 UTC |
[00:33:56] | Preflight started, flying offline |
[00:33:56] | Flying FSLabs A320-232 - TGW (9V-TRI) |
[00:41:30] | Pushing back with 17763 lb of fuel |
[00:42:07] | Engine 2 is on |
[00:43:26] | Engine 1 is on |
[00:43:59] | Flaps set to position 1 |
[00:44:06] | Flaps set to position 6 |
[00:45:42] | Taxiing to runway |
[00:53:26] | Taking off |
[00:53:56] | Climbing, pitch: 10, roll: level, 157 kts |
[00:54:03] | Gear lever raised at 133 ft at 170 kts |
[00:54:31] | Flaps set to position 0 at 826 ft at 200 kts |
[01:21:25] | Cruising at 38000ft, pitch: 3, 468 kts |
[03:10:13] | Sim paused |
[04:27:47] | Sim unpaused |
[04:30:07] | Descending |
[04:40:52] | Simulator connection reestablished |
[04:45:00] | Approaching |
[04:49:48] | Flaps set to position 1 at 6377 ft at 203 kts |
[04:50:17] | Flaps set to position 2 at 6547 ft at 189 kts |
[04:50:21] | Flaps set to position 7 at 6507 ft at 185 kts |
[04:50:25] | Flaps set to position 6 at 6319 ft at 182 kts |
[04:54:16] | Gear lever lowered at 2625 ft at 184 kts |
[04:54:20] | Final approach, 194 kts |
[04:54:31] | Flaps set to position 7 at 2395 ft at 181 kts |
[04:54:53] | Flaps set to position 8 at 2297 ft at 153 kts |
[04:55:48] | Flaps set to position 9 at 1567 ft at 140 kts |
[04:58:12] | Touched down at -210 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 6, roll: 1 degrees left, 134 kts |
[04:58:31] | Landed in 2917 ft, fuel: 3149 lb, weight: 129162 lb |
[04:58:31] | Taxiing to gate |
[04:59:26] | Flaps set to position 8 |
[04:59:29] | Flaps set to position 5 |
[04:59:32] | Flaps set to position 0 |
[05:00:39] | The flight may now be ended |
[05:00:39] | Arrived, flight duration: 02:46 |
[05:03:31] | Engine 1 is off |
[05:03:32] | Engine 2 is off |